- CCP 2022-2023 Information Session PPT (attached)
- CCP UT Pathways https://www.utoledo.
edu/admission/dualcredit/ pathways.html - CCP Owens Pathways https://www.owens.
edu/collegecreditplus/ examples/ - Ohio Means Jobs (OMJ) access https://ohiomeansjobs.
ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/omj/ - CCP School Agreements with Owens and UT for 2022-2023 are pending
- CCP Forms (Letter of Intent 2022-23, Probation, Eligibility etc.)
- At-Risk Letter
- Graduation Requirements- see pgs. 12-14 for Seal Criteria https://education.
ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/ Ohio-s-Graduation- Requirements/Ohio-s- Graduation-Requirements_Long- term-Requirements-2023-and- Beyond.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US - Course Catalog Handbook (See pg. 5 for Seal Criteria) updated version coming Feb.
- Phill will need to articulate the policy for not receiving a diploma
2023 and beyond. graduation requirements.
Find a job, learn career skills, meet the requirements of your government benefits, and more on OhioMeansJobs.com
15 Hours Fall CR HR Spring CR HR ENG 111 3 ENG 112 3 SOC 101 3 PSY 101 3 MTH 213 3 15 30 Hours Fall CR HR Spring CR HR ENG 111 3 ENG 112 3 SOC 101 3 PSY 101 3 MTH 173 3 MTH 213 3 ART 101 3 ECO 111 […]
GENERAL EDUCATION Students enrolling in either the 15 or 30 credit-hour general education pathways, as shown below, can be assured that courses are transferable and fulfill the general elective requirements at any Ohio public college or university.