Academic Support Services

Northwest Ohio Classical Academy partners with parents to provide academic support to students. The following programs are available to students:
Support Staff
Northwest Ohio employs several support staff members known as Instructional Aides (IA). Instructional aides assist teachers with delivery of content, review, enrichment activities, and remediation.
Special Education Services
Northwest Ohio Classical Academy staffs three designated Special Education Service members to assist with the implementation of IEP requirements. The Right to Intervention (RTI) Team, parents or an outside agency may refer students for an evaluation.
Math Lab
Students in grades 7-12 are assigned a Studium or mentored study-hall with a math teacher, so that students can receive access to tutoring and support during the school day.
Language Lab
Students in grades 6-12 have access to the Language Lab each day. Students are able to drop in and consult with a language teacher who can answer any questions the students have during the school day.
Tutoring Tuesdays
Upper School Math teachers rotate to stay after school to provide tutoring services for students who need additional instruction or a small group setting for review every Tuesday from 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.