
NOCA students wear uniforms each school day. Various uniforms are required depending on grade. Please refer to the full uniform guide below.
Families are responsible for providing uniform items. Basic items can be purchased anywhere uniforms are sold. Tartan plaid and logo emblem items can be ordered online.
Lands End School Code: 900190786
Schoolbelles School Code: s2929
Students have the opportunity to participate in spirit wear days throughout the school year. If they do not have spirit wear, they may wear their uniform instead.
The NOCA PTO organizes Spirit Wear/Gym Wear sales on behalf of the school. Online sales occur three times a year in the months of August, November, and March. Purchased items are distributed about 3 weeks after the sale closes. Watch your emails and social media for information on our next Spirit Wear sale. Questions or recommendations can be sent to info@nocapto.org.
A spring spirit wear sale will run from March 17 – March 31, 2025.
Note* Northwest Ohio Classical Academy has strict branding guidelines. Use of the NOCA logos must be approved.