
Car Line

Students at NOCA come from all over NW Ohio. NOCA parents are provided our car line details at orientation. Student drop-off runs from 7:40 – 800 AM and pick-up from 3:00-3:20 PM. We encourage families to carpool!

Student Drivers

Permit parking available for enrolled and licensed student drivers. Please contact the Main Office for details.


Students are permitted to walk/bike to school at the discretion of their guardians. NOCA has a bike rack available for students who may need it.


NOCA does not provide a bus for transportation. However, various school districts in Northwest Ohio do provide bus transportation for students to and from NOCA. A current list of these districts and contact information can be found below. Families are responsible for setting up bussing with the district they reside in.



Please print, complete, and email completed form to

SYLVANIA FORM           

Please print, complete, and email completed form to

PLEASE NOTE:   A request for transportation does not guarantee transportation. Each request will be evaluated and alternate options may be offered where appropriate such as, but not limited to, payment in lieu of transportation.

Afternoon bus transportation is not available for early dismissal days.  Please contact your district to understand how bussing works for delays and cancellations.