Board of Trustees

Meet the NOCA Board

Professor Lee Strang


Mr. Ben Buckenmeyer

Vice President

Mr. Jack Kelly


Mrs. Eleanor Kemp


Mr. Robert Densic

Mr. Jeremy Heyerly

Mrs. Erica Hobbs

Mr. Steve Koralewski

Mrs. Jane Mouch

Mr. Ray Rondini

Northwest Ohio Classical Academy understands that parents will have questions, opinions, and comments that need to be expressed concerning their children’s education. Such communication can be very helpful to the running of the school. Our preference is that such communication be expressed initially to the teacher or teachers of the child. If further communication is warranted, the parent should consult the appropriate administrator (Dean of Students or Headmaster), according to whether the matter concerns discipline or academics. If further communication is warranted after seeing an administrator, then the parent should refer the matter to the Board, as needed. The Board is not the first point of contact and therefore will refer communications that seek response or action to the appropriate members of the administration.

Board meetings occur every month on the third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. (unless otherwise noted below), at the NOCA campus: 5025 Glendale Ave., Toledo, OH 43614

The 2024-2025 School Year Board Meeting Dates are as Follows:

July 8 – Board Retreat
July 17
August 21
September 18
October 16
November 20

December 11 at 7 p.m. – Emergency board meeting to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee of official.

December 18
January 15
February 19

March 6 at 6pm – Special board meeting

March 19
April 23
May 21
June 18
Board Email Address: